Kenyon College, a liberal arts school, has a$ 70 million Athletic Center with similar country club features. 作为文理学院的凯尼恩学院(KenyonCollege)则斥资7000万美元修建了一个具有乡村俱乐部风格的运动中心。
The Davich siblings and kowitt are all graduates of the Brunswick, maine-based liberal arts school. 与阿琳和埃里克•戴维奇姐弟一样,作者也毕业于这家位于缅因州布伦瑞克市的文理学院。
There exists a very respectable liberal school which does not hate Waterloo. 有个很可敬的自由派丝毫不恨滑铁卢。
Different from her compatriot Lu, Wang Linna, 22, chose to apply to a liberal arts school in Nebraska, US. 和陆鸿不同,22岁的王琳娜(音译)申请的是美国内布拉斯加一所文科大学。
Many swoon over the East Coast liberal arts colleges they visit on the special trips that my school is thoughtful enough to arrange. 许多学生参观东岸文科学院时几乎为之疯狂,我所在的学校用心良苦地安排了很多这种参观活动。
The Exploration of College Mathematics Teaching Reform for Liberal Arts School& Taking Tianjing Foreign Language College as Example 文科类大学数学课程教学改革模式初探&以天津外国语学院为例
The reality ( that has blocked my path)( to become the typical successful student) is that engineering and the liberal arts simply don't mix as easily as I assumed in high school. 现实(它已堵住我成为典型好学生的去路)是工科和文科无法像我高中设想的那样能简单融合。
Painting has always fascinated me.In1988 I studied liberal arts and fine arts at school, and later focused on porcelain and pottery making. I joined the Village in1998. 我从小喜欢绘画,1988年在校学习文化与美术,后又专攻刻瓷与陶艺,1998年来到东方陶艺村。
Beijing University is best liberal arts school, answer dawn is very good also. 北大是最好的文科学校,复旦也很好。
A Comparative Study of Shanxi University Institute of Physical Education College of Liberal Arts, Undergraduate Students and the School Library for the Use of Learning Resources 山西大学体育学院与文学院本科生对校图书馆学习资源使用情况的比较研究
Some Thoughts on Liberal Arts Education and Second Classroom Development for Medical School Students 医学专业学生人文素质教育与第二课堂建设的思考
The much-debated venture will create Singapore's first liberal arts college and the Ivy League school's first campus outside New Haven. 该校区建成后将产生两个“第一”:新加坡第一所专门的文科类大学和耶鲁大学美国纽黑文主校区以外的唯一分校。
Williams College, a217-year-old private liberal arts school, tops our third annual ranking of America's Best Colleges. 威廉姆斯学院,一个有着217年历史的私立文理学院,成为我们第三次美国最佳大学年度排名冠军。
The real business cycle theory belongs to the liberal school of the western economics, which breaks through the monetary cycle theory. 真实经济周期理论属于西方经济学中的经济自由流派。
Toward the regional disparity, there is the depute of liberal economy or government intervention between the school of neo-classic economic growth and the school of self-reinforced economic growth. 面对区域差距,新古典主义学派与循环累积增长学派之间存在自由放任与政府干预之争。
The appraisal of Russian liberal school and its national authentication system are a kind of monitor and guarantee regulation for promoting education quality after the transformation of Russian society. 普通学校鉴定与国家认证制度是俄罗斯社会转型以后开始实行的一项学校教育质量监督保障制度。
Considering the economy development, the liberal senior high school education which carries on appropriate employment instruction will win more benefit repay. 普通高中教育考虑到经济发展对于生产力的需求而进行适当就业指导将会赢得更多的利益回报。
Maintaining that man develop in an all-round way-spiritually, intellectually and physically, the missionaries in modem China advocated Liberal Education, with a gist of developing mission school students 'Christian character and converting the students to Christianity. 近代来华传教士提倡通识教育,主张人的灵、智、体应当全面发展,其主旨在于培养教会学生的基督化人格,使学生皈依基督教。
An Understanding to Strengthen the Comprehensibility of Liberal Arts Teaching in Junior Middle School 对加强初中文科教学综合性的认识
This paper consists of four chapters. Chapter one is introduction, it introduces the background of the issue and the present research on cultural basic course of liberal arts in vocational school and it defines some relevant concepts. 第一章绪论,分析了问题提出的背景及国内外对中职文科类专业文化基础课程研究的现状,并对相关概念进行了解释。
The findings are as follows: ( 1) in the process of problem-solving, the junior high-school students's levels of Executive, Judicial, Hierarchic, Oligarchic, External and Liberal styles are dramatically higher than those of senior high school students; 结果发现:(1)在解决问题的过程中,初中生比高中生具有更为明显的执法、司法、等级制、寡头统治、外向性和开放性等思维风格;
The building of culture of comprehensive classes of liberal arts for middle school teachers is an integration of myriad factors. 高师院校文科综合班班级文化构建是多种因素整合的过程。
The Research of Liberal Arts Students 'Study in Learning of Chemical Equilibrium in Senior High School 高中文科学生化学平衡学习的研究
On the part of high school students, the choice of liberal arts or science is made under the influences from family, school, identical age group and mass media, on the basis of intelligence type and individuality. 高中生文理选择是在家庭、学校、同伴群体、大众传播媒介诸多方面影响下,基于个体自身智力类型和个性特点所做的选择。
In the absence of others and feedback on the results is high-performance, the liberal arts high school students tend to choose more acts of self-handicapping. 在他人不在场结果反馈为高成绩的情境下,文科高中生更倾向于选择行为式自我妨碍。
Liberal arts and science has significant effect on TMD of senior middle school students. 文理科对中学生时间管理倾向有显著影响。
Finally, we selected the students of a class of liberal arts in Jiashan Senior High School to carry out the experimental research. 选取嘉善高级中学一个文科班的学生开展实验研究。
Among them, those who were profoundly influenced were a number of prose-writers of liberal school who had a good command of English, who are represented by such writers as Zhou Zuo-ren, Lin Yu-tang, Liang Yu-chun, Liang Shi-qiu and Qian Ge-chuan. 其中,深受影响的是一批精通英文的自由派散文家,以周作人、林语堂、梁遇春、梁实秋、钱歌川等人为代表。
Sixth, it proves the idea of combination of figure and chart is beneficial for teaching students of liberal arts of high school. 第六,实践证明数形结合思想教学有利于高中文科生的数学教学。